Submitted by Betty Thomas, Founder/Board Chair, Paws and Claws Rescue & Resort
The staff and volunteers at Paws and Claws Rescue & Resort want to sincerely thank FarmHouse Fresh and their team for the amazing effort in transporting the Hurricane Harvey dogs to Minnesota.We will care for them and nurture them until they find their “forever homes” here in northern Minnesota. I feel this is the start of a great friendship and alliance all for the betterment of the homeless animals.
This new friendship is because of Nancy Freeman, Lundrigans. She was writing an order with FarmHouse Fresh Goods and heard about the dog bed donation program for animal shelters. Thanks to Nancy and her team! Our Hurricane Harvey dogs have wonderful dog beds to rest on because of the very kind donation by FarmHouse Fresh and initiated by Nancy….we really appreciate all of you!! I do believe there is a “Dog Bed Fairy”.
Paws and Claws Rescue & Resort has been open about two months and we have had fantastic response from the community and beyond. It is very encouraging for the work and the programs we are putting in place. Please stay in touch with us and let’s grow the relationship.
Sincere thanks,
Paws and Claws Rescue & Resort